Sunday, June 17, 2007
Art In Action: Music

Last week, Friday, I lost Php80.


Someone sold us tickets for a…workshop? (Can you call it a workshop if you just watched?)

The production(?) was called Art in Action.

There are 2 parts, Music and Dance.

June 23, 2007, Wednesday, at the U-break was the first part. We watched the DLSU Chamber Ensemble play at the Teresa Yuchengco Auditorium. I have to admit that at first, I wasn’t really paying attention to what the speaker was saying. All I remember is that, she gave the what-to-do’s if you’re going to watch a play or an on-stage (musical) production. Then, she introduced the conductor of the Chamber Ensemble to talk about*drum roll*… MUSIC. For the first part, he talked about different ethnic and western musical instruments including a demonstration (by members of the ensemble) of how they were played. I liked the part where they demo-ed the ethnic instruments because most people aren’t even aware that those exist. As for the western instruments, well, they’re okay but you’d just think, “So what’s new?”

What was new for me was the comparison between some of the classical music with some pop music. It wasn’t really a comparison. It was more like, they were telling the audience that those songs popularized in the 80’s and 90’s (I think) had something, like the tune, similar to those of the classics.

Then, they showed how to play the music right so it would be good to hear. They showed the difference between bad playing and good playing.

For their finale, the Chamber Ensemble had a “mini concert”. They’re really good too. They played some of the songs listed in the syllabus. Mozart’s “The Magic Flute”, Beethoven’s “Moonlight Sonata”, San Pedro’s “Sa Ugoy ng Duyan”, and Cayabyab’s “Kay Ganda ng Ating Musika”.

The verdict: I think I got my money’s worth.

I’m more excited about the dance though. It’s my frustration.

spoke at : 1:07 AM

Just Me

* Age: 19
* Gender: Female
* Astrological Sign: Aries
* Zodiac Year: Dragon
* Industry: Student
* Location: Philippines
About Me i'm pretty..=p or at least i think i am. this blog is dedicated to the appreciation of art or at least, the kind of art that my brain can tolerate... its for after this term, i'll just change the blog title and use it as my personal blog.... that is if i pass... nah, I WILL pass this course. i HAVE to...
Likes: * reading books * ice skating * cooking/baking * writing * watching tv/couch potato-ing * texting * sleeping * food * rock music * computer games(when i'm bored) * singing... * The Incredibles * Click * Pirates of the Carribean * Serendipity * The Holiday * 300 * Dead Poets Society * The Passion of Christ...i can't remember the others * Praise songs * pop rock * punk * emo * alternative







Brushes: H-G
Designer: I

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