Saturday, June 2, 2007
Colorful Stars
This week, we talked about art. (other me: like...duh?). I guess we're gonna be talking about that every class, its not called artapre for nothing.

It's just that, for the weeks to come...we're gonna be going into each specific (some)thing that people call "art". This week (and the previous one) we just defined "art"

I'm not a very artistic person. I just look at a painting or a drawing and say it's cute, or pretty, or beautiful. I look at the color or the design just so i could distinguish an object as art. This is why i practically rolled my eyes when people came up with the paper, and the panda ballpen and labeled those things as art. In my mind, I'm like, "Hindi yan art!! Pano yan magiging art?! Ni hindi nga maganda o cute?? Palusot lang yan dahil walang dala!!!Booooooo!!!" (if you have violent reactions, just comment,or your own risk...haha, joke.)

But, once everyone has presented and Ms Castro showed the powerpoint of what was art...I guess art meant something more than just being pretty, or colorful, or cute. I still don't think the paper-thing was art, but what did change about how i view art is that just because something is pretty, or colorful, or beautiful doesn't automatically make it "art". I think nature is beautiful, those untouched by people, anyway, but then its not art. Art has to be something which was created by someone who acquired the skill to do it. (huh?)

So then, I do consider my colorful stars as art. Anyone who thinks otherwise may comment.

Art is something so complicated. I still have a lot to learn.
So far, I think I can still follow.

spoke at : 6:50 AM

Just Me

* Age: 19
* Gender: Female
* Astrological Sign: Aries
* Zodiac Year: Dragon
* Industry: Student
* Location: Philippines
About Me i'm pretty..=p or at least i think i am. this blog is dedicated to the appreciation of art or at least, the kind of art that my brain can tolerate... its for after this term, i'll just change the blog title and use it as my personal blog.... that is if i pass... nah, I WILL pass this course. i HAVE to...
Likes: * reading books * ice skating * cooking/baking * writing * watching tv/couch potato-ing * texting * sleeping * food * rock music * computer games(when i'm bored) * singing... * The Incredibles * Click * Pirates of the Carribean * Serendipity * The Holiday * 300 * Dead Poets Society * The Passion of Christ...i can't remember the others * Praise songs * pop rock * punk * emo * alternative







Brushes: H-G
Designer: I

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